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As we transition to summer practices and prepare for the next school year, please consider joining the Discord server!:


If you don't have a Discord, please make an account here:


The Discord server will be where all forms of communication for the entire club and all the specific competitions (Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, Quiz Bowl, and Ocean Science Bowl) will take place for the entirety of next year. For Science Bowl, Quiz Bowl, and Ocean Science Bowl, this Discord server will host the standard practices that were previously hosted in individual competition Discord servers until we transition out of distance learning.


Once you join the Discord server, make sure to go to the #competition-select channel to sign up for the competitions and their respective mailing lists (even if you participated in them previously). Also, even if you're a graduating senior, feel free to join (with a special alumni role :D)!

History Bowl

Ocean Science Bowl

Science Bowl

Science Olympiad

Quiz Bowl

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